ILCSA aims to bridge four main thrusts – research, education, policy and advocacy, and care – in all its programmes. 

It currently focuses on promoting healthy and productive ageing and empowering older persons to participate fully in society. The programmes, which reflect the organisation’s mission and scope, involve scholars from diverse intellectual disciplines and stakeholders in all sectors.

Overall, researchers at ILCSA are conducting studies with practical implications, investigating the relationship between health, longevity, self-determination and quality of life in old age. Some studies focus on livelihoods and income security, others on living habitats and personal safety, and others on health and social care, and human rights. Researchers generate and draw on both macro and micro data to analyse situations and to identify emerging trends; evaluate social, health and economic programmes and policy options; and offer conceptual clarification for the development of new strategies and responses. Outputs are aimed at informing stakeholders, creating awareness and forging policy action.

Current and recent activities at ILCSA are being conducted within the focal areas outlined below.

  • Eradicating Age Discrimination & Promoting Human Rights

Evidence shows that numerous older persons in South Africa are abused, exploited, neglected and/or marginalised. In particular, numerous social pensioners are exploited for their money and assets and as carers to grandchildren. Building on evidence generated by the Institute of Ageing in Africa (IAA) over more than three decades, and in response to public and civil society concerns, this program aims to empower and foster the protection of older persons through the dissemination of information, the promotion of awareness of their human rights, and advocacy. Thus, it works to help them withstand the abuse and discrimination, claim their rights, and encourage the government and civil society to develop policies and create structures to eradicate discrimination and abuse.

  • Supporting & Empowering Older Carers to Persons Affected by HIV/AIDS

IILCSA works with national and community-based organisations with a mission to support and empower older people, older women in particular, who care for persons infected with the HI virus and/or who themselves have AIDS or are affected by the disease. Its dedicated research, policy and education programme is aimed at reducing these persons’ vulnerability, strengthening their capacity to cope, enhancing their well-being, and sustaining their contribution to the care management of the epidemic. A current focus of the programme is to empower older women to know their HIV status and to demand anti-retroviral therapy if diagnosed positive.

  • Expanding Geriatrics Clinical Services and Education

Geriatric Medicine in sub-Saharan Africa needs continuing development and expansion. A similar need exists to enhance and coordinate geriatric care for ill and frail older persons and train and support informal carers. Few resources are made available for the training and employment of specialists in geriatrics or the care of geriatric or frail persons. Neither are resources available to train informal carers. The growing number of people set to live to an advanced age will heighten demand for services (particularly the management of chronic illnesses and disabilities) and put additional strain on already challenged public health systems. The programme aims to work with the South African government, the governments of other SSA nations, African institutions and global agencies to develop strategies to improve and expand clinical education and services in this field.

  • Education and training activities

ILCSA’s sites at the University of Cape Town (the IAA), North-West University (AGenDA) and GERATEC provide for a strong emphasis on education and training activities, including undergraduate, postgraduate and carer training on health and ageing, within Gerontology, Geriatrics and Applied Gerontology. The sub-disciplines offer solid opportunities for research, as part of degree studies, and public education through seminars, guest lectures and more.

  • Policy and advocacy activities

ILCSA contributes to policy debate on older persons nationally, regionally and globally. All ILCSA research projects moreover are aimed at policy reform or new policy development.